Yuti Lee

TEN SLOTTE 3: Yutie lee - Ecstasy (film/performance)

De Imagerie, Het Bos and Escautville collaborate for a third year in a row to end the year in style. Ten Slotte 3 is a six-day audiovisual program that goes past the traditional boundaries of the rectangular screen. We go past the classic one-way relationship between audience and screen, to discover a wide range of moving images.

Start: 20:30
Entrance: 5 euro
Info & tickets: click here

Yutie Lee (º1988, Taipei, Taiwan) lives and works in Munich and Taipei. She grew up in Taiwan, but moved to Europe to study German literature and art history, that she soon exchanged for Sculpture at the Akademie der Bildende Künste München. In her work she uses pre-existing material of European and East-Asian history. She reinterprets elements of popular culture and ancient writings, and tries to go past dominant narratives.
During Ten Slotte Yutie Lee will screen the Czechoslovak-Austrian film ‘Ecstasy’ from the year 1933, with Hedy Lamarr as the protagonist. While the film seems innocent today, after its release the film was banned in many countries because of controversial scene with a female orgasm. Yutie Lee already worked around Hedy Lamarr. Apart from being an actress, she was also a scientist and inventor. She developed a new technique (frequency-hopping), that would be a cornerstone of many wireless means of communications like Bluetooth and Wi-Fi.

+ Exhibition Margarita Maximova

Artists: Yuti Lee