Zeno X Gallery celebrates its 40th anniversary with a series of exhibitions that highlight the different decades of its existence at the gallery Antwerp South. From September 24 onwards, '40 YEARS Zeno X Gallery: the two- thousands' presents the artists who joined the gallery between 2001 and 2021. The upcoming show contains work created especially for the occasion and work presented at the gallery for the first time.
Artists: N. Dash, Jan De Maesschalck, Pélagie Gbaguidi, Kees Goudzwaard, Susan Hartnett, Yun-Fei Ji, Kim Jones, Naoto Kawahara, Martin Margiela, Philip Metten, Paulo Monteiro, Jockum Nordström, Marina Rheingantz, Mircea Suciu, Pietro Roccasalva, Grace Schwindt, Jenny Scobel, Hyun-Sook Song, Bart Stolle, Jack Whitten