Bram De Jonghe

Après nous, les mouches

Bram De Jonghe aims to confuse, to elicit questions. He works mainly as a sculptor, creating spatial inter­­ventions that probe the boundary between art and reality. At the cross­­roads where those meet, some­thing absurd arises. Bram believes in man as a creator, solver, and finder, and he favours the visual residue of do-it-yourself spirituality, re­nouncing an elitist definition of art.
“Art does not serve. My work has a kind of absurdity with a function.” It plays a game with expectations. Bram’s work often has no rational basis, inviting viewers to engage with it on an emotional level, instead of starting from the rational frame­works modern man uses to put feelings into per­spec­tive.
De Jonghe's solo show will run until 9 March 2024.

Artists: Bram De Jonghe

Also happening at Après nous, les mouches