Giancarlo Cutrona

TEN SLOTTE 3: ‘Ccà’ (2017, 72’) - Giancarlo Cutrona

De Imagerie, Het Bos and Escautville collaborate for a third year in a row to end the year in style. Ten Slotte 3 is a six-day audiovisual program that goes past the traditional boundaries of the rectangular screen. We go past the classic one-way relationship between audience and screen, to discover a wide range of moving images.

Start: 20:30
Entrance: 5 euro
Info & tickets: click here

Giancarlo Cutrona (º1986, Catania, Italy) studied advertising and then Visual Arts at the Academy of Fine Arts in Catania. After living and traveling through different cities in Europe, he now lives and works in as a filmmaker and editor in Antwerp, Belgium.
In his work, he uses photography, cinema and writing to tackle social and anthropological themes in our society. In ‘Ccà’ Giancarlo Cutrona tries to form an image of a type of Western men who is still accustomed to its environment, the natural cycle of life, its tempo and the balance between life and death. He travels through rural Sicily, meeting farmers, fishermen and merchants. They live in in small villages around the Etna, between the see and the mountains. The Etna is the epicentre of the journey, a journey that brings us to a place that is a dreamlike memory. A memory that could be anyone’s.

+ Exhibition Margarita Maximova

Artists: Giancarlo Cutrona