WORKSHOP 'For the What?' - Claire Williams​

'/For the What?/' is a workshop in which we will make wearable antennas by hacking everyday objects with textile techniques. These antennas will be connected to a small circuit that we will build in order to amplify and hear a portion of the electromagnetic activity of our environment.

Claire Williams her obsessions lay mostly around data, sound and ancient textiles, trying to materialize digital matter, imperceptible or inaudible informations found in our super saturated techno environment. She graduated from ENSAV La Cambre with a master degree in Textile Design. In parallel to her art practise and research she organizes, collaborates incollective projects. She regularly gives workshops and exhibitions in art festivals, associations, cultural events, schools and museums on open source textiles, FLOSSsoftware & hardware, hacked knitting machines.

This workshop is free, please register via