Domoor is the musical collaboration between Simon Kremar and Lukas Anthierens. The duo’s blend of electronica and hip hop resulted in “De Onderste Boven” (The Upside Down), an EP that focuses on concepts such as lateral thinking and reverse perspective.
Graphic designer and illustrator Lynne Vermeulen was asked to create illustrations inspired by “De Onderste Boven”. These will be transformed into a physical installation which – accompanied by the music – will literally turn the place on its head.
From October 12-18 (13:00—18:30) you can see and hear “De Onderste Boven” at RAAT. Due to COVID-19, only four people are allowed in the space at a time. To secure your visit, make a reservation via by sending an email to
“Domoor: De Onderste Boven” is the third project taking place at RAAT following an open call earlier this year. RAAT is an open city lab in the centre of Antwerp where emerging creative talent can develop and present their work. Initiated by AAIR.