Eric Thielemans

Extra Academy: Eric Thielemans

Extra Academy organiseert een open programma van lezingen, performances, workshops en screenings rond artistieke praktijk, reflectie en onderzoek. Het platform is er een waarbij deelnemers kennismaken met praktijken en visies die niet of nauwelijks in de media of het kunstonderwijs aan bod komen.

Thielemans will read out of his Notes on Resonance and share some of the scores that he is currently writing.
While, between, under and above, blending, overwriting, underscoring, exploring different realms and layers of meaning, he will also play some percussion.
Eric Thielemans is a drummer and percussionist, drummer thinker, exploring consciousness through music.
Currently he is musician-in-residence at Vooruit (Gent) and cc Strombeek, and was affiliated as a researcher in the Arts at both the Royal Academy of Fine Arts, and the Royal Conservatoire in Antwerp until the end of 2020.
Recently, Thielemans has collaborated with PVT – a trio together with Mika Vainio & Charlemagne Palestine (album released April 2020) , PAT – a new trio together with Oren Ambarchi and Charlemagne Palestine, plays in duo together with Oren Ambarchi, and Billy Hart (“Talking about the Weather”), started the band Cinema Paradiso, together with Kurt Van Herck, and works with Chantal Acda, Marshall Allen (Sun Ra), Tape Cuts Tape, Distance Light & Sky, Jozef Dumoulin, Trevor Dunn, Shahzad Ismaily, Chris Eckman, Nico Dockx, and many more around.
At the moment Eric is developing a new work, which could be seen as the culmination of his travels in music and beyond called R-e-s-o-n-a-n-c-e.

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Artists: Eric Thielemans