Extra Academy organiseert een open programma van lezingen, performances, workshops en screenings rond artistieke praktijk, reflectie en onderzoek. Het platform is er een waarbij deelnemers kennismaken met praktijken en visies die niet of nauwelijks in de media of het kunstonderwijs aan bod komen. Zo ambiëren ze een veel ruimer beeld te scheppen van de gelaagdheid en rijke complexiteit van wat een hedendaagse artistieke praktijk kan betekenen in dialoog met o.a. kunsthistorische, socio-politieke, filosofische en economische implicaties.
Shirin Sabahi’s projects often derive from a physical place and include films about artefacts and architecture and their legibility and outreach. A recent body of work which will be presented at Het Bos, revolves around Matter and Mind, a sculpture by another artist, Noriyuki Haraguchi. The sculpture is a steel basin filled with used engine oil and permanently installed at the Tehran Museum of Contemporary Art since the museum’s inauguration in 1977. Over time the oil pool became a receptacle for loose change and other portable objects thrown in by the visitors. Shirin Sabahi organized and documented the restoration of the artwork, which resulted in dredging up of the objects from within the art object. The project’s focus on Matter and Mind's provenance and location suggests how artistic research may engage with the work of another artist, the institutional history of a nation and the object’s memory.
Shirin Sabahi lives in Berlin where she hosts PLACES, a nomadic series of events inviting speakers to present a place, imagined or otherwise.
Artists: Shirin Sabahi