Geert Goiris

Geert Goiris: World Without Us

The photographic practice of Geert Goiris can be summarized as a search for evocative visual language. His exhibition World Without Us brings together works from the past 5 years: photographs, video images and an analogue slide projection that each in their own way speculate about the disappearance of the known reality.

Geert Goiris: "I am interested in confabulation: a reality that is close to ours, but does not completely coincide with it." My goal is to create images that take our age of uncertainty into question, which directly questions readability through the picture. to split between image and meaning.
Something escapes us, something is missing. It is not about what I describe, but about what is absent."

Art philosopher Francis Smets: "The best way to describe the work of Geert Goiris is as' meeting photography'. It is impossible to look for this one-off moment, but at the most it happens as a hapax legomenon.This language concept refers to a word that occurs only once in continuous text.The world we are used to experiencing is a sort of running text in space and time, where this one-time experience happens suddenly and unpredictably For a brief moment the world speaks to us.In this sense, every image of Geert Goiris is a hapax legomenon. The choice of subjects is absolutely not arbitrary - on the contrary, the interruption of the world is an exceptional event."

Location: locations/De Lange Zaal, Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp

Artists: Geert Goiris

Also happening at Geert Goiris: World Without Us