Danila Tkachenko (b.1989) is a Russian artist whose sacred visual medium is photography. It's his way of interacting with the viewer, a means of forming concepts. Danila is the author of such sensational photography projects as Lost horizon series (2016), Restricted areas (2013-2015), Motherland (2016-2017), Monuments (2017), Oasis (2018), Heroes (2019) and others.
Deep philosophical ideas form the basis of his work, and detailed research precedes photo projects. He examines the subject of historical memory and cultural and social heritage, the human urge for utopia, our endless pursuit of excellence through technological progress, the consequences of the impact on the history of mankind, a reverent attitude towards the concept of Homeland and the death of Russian peasant culture, nostalgia for the old ways, fear of uncertain future, seclusion, urbanisation, etc.
In the 8 years of his artistic career, the artist participated in more than 70 group and solo exhibitions around the world - from Russia to Europe, from Asia to North America. Danila is winner of prestigious art and photography awards (Kandinsky Prize, The New East Photo Prize, 30 under 30, Magnum photos, Leica Oskar Barnack Award, European Publishers Award For Photography etc.)
On 28 February NK Gallery will have the pleasure of introducing you to his work. The title of Danila Tkachenko's solo show is “Ghostlands”.
Artists: Danila Tkachenko