Hollis Frampton, Floris Vanhoof, Xavier Garcia Bardon

Extra muros: Hollis Frampton: ZORNS LEMMA & Floris Vanhoof: BRAINWAVE PROJECTOR

Out of Sight presents a programme in collaboration with Kunsthal Extra City. The programme is in line with the exhibition 'Lemmas' (2020 - 2021), which examined media as mental strategies rather than technologies.

Zorn's Lemma
Hollis Frampton, USA, 1970, 60'
Zorn's Lemma' is one of the most important examples of structural cinema. After quoting 'The Bay State Primer', a puritanical work for children to learn the alphabet, the film shows images of words at a rhythm of one per second and in alphabetical order. When the sequence comes to an end, the cycle begins again and again. With each iteration, a word from the sequence is replaced by a moving image. The film ends with a sequence of a man, woman and child walking through the snow while we hear a reading from the medieval text 'On Light, or the ingression of Forms' at the same rhythm of one word per second. By confronting moving images and text, the underlying processes are deconstructed in the viewer. The film is introduced by film historian Xavier Garcia Bardon.

Brainwave Projector
Floris Vanhoof performs his 'Brainwave Projector'. A 16mm projector that was adapted to have its frame speed react to the brain activity of the artist. By placing himself in a feedback loop with the screen he becomes an interface. The mechanism slows down when he calms down and speeds up when he is stimulated. Unexpectedly, this creates a reverse reaction in the viewer: the higher the frame rate, the quieter the image. In this bizarre symbiotic relationship, Vanhoof literally uses the idea of media as mental strategies.

Practical info
Location: locations/Kunsthal Extra City - monastery courtyard, via: Ploegstraat 25
→ Free admission, no reservations needed.
→ Entrance via Ploegstraat 25.

Artists: Hollis Frampton, Floris Vanhoof, Xavier Garcia Bardon

Also happening at Extra muros: Hollis Frampton: ZORNS LEMMA & Floris Vanhoof: BRAINWAVE PROJECTOR