Masters Sint Lucas Antwerpen at Art Telex

Honderdvijftig vierkante meter

Seven master’s students in autonomous arts at Sint Lucas Antwerp invite you to take a glimpse into their master projects.

In the 150m² space at our disposal, we bring together a mix of various visual languages and practices. This opportunity allows us to interact with one another, serving as a dress rehearsal in the final sprint toward graduation.

Participating artists: Nina Cuyvers, Basile Crabeels, Sterre Van Dael, Victor Delafontaine, Cheryl Smessaert, Raquelle Verheyen, Lika Avruzki

Vernissage: vr 17.01, 18-21u.
Open: 17.01 – 02.02, do-vr-za-zo 14-18u.
Art Telex, Oude Beurs 39, Antwerpen

Artists: Masters Sint Lucas Antwerpen at Art Telex

Also happening at Honderdvijftig vierkante meter