Marc Nagtzaam, Uta Eisenreich, Geert Goiris, Nick Geboers, Karin Herwegh, Henri Jacobs, gerlach en koop, Hans Demeulenaere


A cross-cutting exhibition project drawing on the oeuvre of Marc Nagtzaam and Bart Lodewijks.

For the exhibition If it is, where is it, Marc Nagtzaam and Bart Lodewijks invite artists into the gallery's spaces within a scenography they have designed.

The first part is curated by Marc Nagtzaam, featuring works by gerlach en koop, Hans Demeulenaere, Uta Eisenreich, Geert Goiris, Nick Geboers, Karin Herwegh and Henri Jacobs.

In collaboration with Roma Publications.

Artists: Marc Nagtzaam, Uta Eisenreich, Geert Goiris, Nick Geboers, Karin Herwegh, Henri Jacobs, gerlach en koop, Hans Demeulenaere

Also happening at IF IT IS, WHERE IS IT? #1