Ignace Cami

Ignace Cami - Finissage with performances

Finissage >> Sunday 3 September, from 3 PM
Performance: Ignace Cami, I’ll explain everything to the geese (2022)
Performance: Ignace Cami, RE:ANKER (2023)
Location: M HKA, ground floor IN SITU space

In collaboration with bakery Dellafaille.

Ignace Cami is an artist that gives obsolete things renewal. Playing with the notion of ‘heritage’, he questions its place as being part of the natural law of society, whilst creating the conditions for its contemporary purpose and application.

For his exhibition RE:ANKER, the verb verankeren (to connect with or to anchor) offers a way to understand Ignace Cami’s methodology for working with heritage and folk culture more broadly. At the same time, the verb points to the connection he seeks between the exhibition and the port city of Antwerp as well as the river Scheldt, only a few metres away from M HKA.

Artists: Ignace Cami

Also happening at Ignace Cami - Finissage with performances