Antonia Rodrian

Matching Shapes and Midnight Snacks

In Matching Shapes And Midnight Snacks, Antonia Rodrian blurs the lines of perception to elevate ordinary objects into a realm of mysterious perpetual action. Everyday items assume autonomy, acting as tools or self-conscious artifacts in a poetic story. In her first solo exhibition in Belgium, the artist presents a selection of new paintings, watercolors, and graphite drawings, continuing her exploration of the plasticity of reality following her recent institutional exhibition at Düsseldorf's contemporary art space, Kunst Im Tunnel (KIT).

Rodrian's work weaves together memory and composition, creating visual narratives oscillating between the intimate and the abstract. Her approach is akin to a close-up, slow-motion lens, where the seemingly ordinary becomes a site of exploration. Through this magnified perspective, simple moments are transmuted into layered compositions that transcend their everyday origins. These actions, removed from their original context and reimagined on the canvas, are not depicted in a literal sense but are instead distilled to their essence, evoking a sense of nearness, as if one is leaning in to catch a whispered secret. This notion of a visual whisper is central to her practice, where form and essence take precedence over direct representation. By distorting and exaggerating these familiar scenes to the brink of absurdity or surrealism, Rodrian invites the viewer to engage with the sensuality and energy embedded within the details, offering a new perspective on reality that is both deeply personal and universally resonant.

Artists: Antonia Rodrian

Also happening at Matching Shapes and Midnight Snacks