Mirthe Klück, Nishiko, Maja Klaassens, Kaï-Chun Chang, Danielle Formica

Mountain Friends

For this exhibition, Mirthe Klück invites her own “mountain friends”, each treating their immediate surroundings in a unique manner. Like Klück, Daniele Formica (1996, IT), Maja Klaassens (1989, NZ), and Nishiko (1981, JP) compose subtle translations of already-existing objects. Kaï-Chun Chang (1989, TW) adds a natural phenomenon by bending light into materiality. Within the framework of this exhibition, the artists converge on a central question: is there really a distinction between the artificial and the natural? Can we, as urban mammals, insist on a rigid demarcation between the evolution of technology and that which grows organically in a similar fashion? Is art inherently opposed to nature?

Artists: Mirthe Klück, Nishiko, Maja Klaassens, Kaï-Chun Chang, Danielle Formica

Also happening at Mountain Friends