Philippe Van Wolputte (°1982) is interested in what has been removed, neglected or forgotten. With his installations, interventions and collages he explores the possibilities and aesthetics of neglected spaces and buildings within the city, which have an important function in the memory and the social landscape of a city. By bringing these locations back to life he connects the past, the present and the future. He questions the functionality and possibilities by transforming the spaces into temporary hideouts or workspaces for artists.
The artist documents his personal experiences during the creation of his interventions through his photographs, video works and collages. In the documentation of these interventions he plays with the autonomy of art documentation. By doing this, fiction and reality blur into each other.
LLS 387 invites the artist for a solo exhibition where he will present a new site specific installation.
Performance/soundscape during the Antwerp Art Weekend
at Friday 19 May, 18 – 22h: using short wave signals modified by modular synthesizes, with Philippe Van Wolputte, Chakky Kato and Frank Van Wolputte
Artists: Philippe Van Wolputte