Welcome to explore new stories!
The Pink House Press is back and its growing with a new magazine release on 3 days event full of surprises
The ground flour of the pink house is transforming into a cosy neighbourhood with a kiosk aka (gr.)periptero installation, that you can find a variety of booklets, magazines, newspapers and many-more to come,±±± ,,, still printing !!
release of Php 2 - the power to move your buisness
With contributions by:
Karina Beumer, Willem Coenen, Cosmopolite inc, Olga Evangelidou, Giannis Galiatsos, Maika Garnica, Alexis Gautier, Harry Heirmans, Erin Helsen, Constantine Lianos, Jef Meyer, Pat McCarthy, Mathias MU, Nashek, An Onghena, Ria Pacquée, Mia Syn, Adrien Tirtiaux, Luisa Ungar, Lieven Van Dercruyssen, Puck Vonk, Sam Watson, Eleanor Wright, Ersi Varveri, Gijs Waterschoot
~Side project~
in-between floor # Machteld Bernaert invites Christos Papasotiriou # installation # collaboration
Thursday 1 Feb
opening 18:00 - 22:00
after drink in
Kempisch dok Westkaai 34
Musik by our guest DJNOTI
and Radio Salvia
Friday 2 Feb
Open from
15:00 - 22:00
!Come and print with us!
Our photocopy machine is available to
print new editions!
everyone is welcome
Special periptero guest Adam Galach
Saturday 3 Feb
14:00 - 21:00
Special periptero guest
Bram Van Meervelde
Performance by Karina Beumer ± 16:00 - 17:00
++++ MORE ?? MORE ?? MORE ?? MORE SURPRISES !!!!! +++