The next PHp issue is dedicated to the moving out of the Pink House and it will be the last edition from this House. It will be launched as PHp 0, released on February 2020, just before we close the door behind us!
As the moving out is going to be the end of an era but also to mark a new beginning for us, we see this as point 0 and we see next edition as a restart. PHp 0 is following previous editions PHp 1, 2, 3, 4 that were published during the last 2 years, documenting pink house activities.
Like that we see this php edition as a portal that is able to take us into a new adventure.
We asked artists and people from our network to imagine and suggest with their contribution where could this portal take us, or takes you, or what happens if someone goes through it!
The magazine may become a spaceship that goes in and out these different places!
STARGATE63 - PHp 0 is released just before we close the door behind us on February 21, 22, 23 in a weekend full of happenings!
Friday 21: Gate opens at 18:00h --> d o u b l e MAGAZINE LAUNCH >>PHp 0 Stargate63 and FEEDBACK magazine with presentation / talk on the Pink House Press
Saturday 22: Gate opens at 14:00h --> ZINES, DRINKS, MUSIC
21:00h CONCERTS by STAKATTAK (No-Exit Album preview) + FLUWELEN KOORD plays 'EINDE' + DJ performance GIJSUS x KRISTUS
Sunday 23: Gate opens at 12:00h -->
14:00 NICO DOCKX plays his 'CURIOUS' collection
15:00 Vijai Patchinelaam present his 'PLANO B' 12" vinyl record
Artists: Jeroen Bocken, Karina Beumer, Valentin Cernat, Raluca Cotcoriciu, Senne Claes, Christine Clinckx, Camille Cluzan, Julia Dahee Hong, Sebastien Delire, Lynn Depreeuw, Nico Dockx, Baldvin Einarsson, Fluwelen Koord, Andrijana Gvozdenovic, Emma Heidarsdottir, Erin Helsen, Heide Hinrichs, Johann Kauth, Bori Kormos, J.Krissis, Rocio Nosela, Johan Pas, Vijai Patchineelam, Panos Profitis, Bence Rohánszky, Rien Schellemans, Jackson Shallcross-Plat, Valgerður Sigurðardóttir, Stakattak, Daniel Van Espen, Reinaart Vanhoe, Ersi Varveri, Kostas Varveris, Gijs Waterschoot, David Wojtalewicz