Vincent Van Meenen, Quinten Ingelaere, Liesbeth Decan, Kurt De Boodt

Subversive Surrealism?

Subversive Surrealism?

panel discussion with Kurt De Boodt, Liesbeth Decan, Vincent Van Meenen, Quinten Ingelaere, and John C. Welchman, moderated by Johan Pas

Wednesday 23 October 2024, 20:30
Lange Zaal, Academy

Join us for a panel discussion on the contemporary relevance of Surrealism, 100 years after the First Surrealist Manifesto (1924). Artists and theorists explore and discuss the topicality of Surrealist concepts and methods. Do they still make sense, and if so, how to deal with them?

Our times are as troubled as those of the interbellum, when Surrealism emerged from the rubble of earlier avant-garde movements and the traumas of the First World War. It was a movement that witnessed the rise of Fascism and Communism, and the crisis of modernism.

The Surrealists believed in a revolution of the mind and the liberation of humankind. Is this purely utopian or are there things to be learned from their radical position? In an informal conversation with theorists, artists and the audience, we will try to explore if, how and why Surrealism still makes sense today.

You are warmly invited to the related events on Wednesday 23 October

  • 19:00 - 20:30: 'Object, Dream, Thought: Marcel Broodthaers, Pense-Bête and Surrealism', lecture by John C. Welchman

  • 20:30 - 21:30: ‘Subversive Surrealism?’, panel discussen with John Welchman, Vincent Van Meenen, Liesbeth Decan, and Kurt De Boodt, moderated by Johan Pas

  • continuously: 'Subversive Pages', exhibition with 100 Surrealist Publications from the Collection for Research on Artists’ Publications

  • continuously: 'Moving the Photogram', exhibition with contemporary practices using the photogram technique

More info

→ This lecture is part of the research festival ARTICULATE 2024 I ANONYMOUS CREATIVITY - ART WITHOUT ARTISTS

image: VVV. Poetry, Plastic Arts, Antropology, Sociology, Psychology, nr. 4, New York, 1944 (cover image by Roberto Matta), detail

Artists: Vincent Van Meenen, Quinten Ingelaere, Liesbeth Decan, Kurt De Boodt

Also happening at Subversive Surrealism?