Superhost is a programme investing in a yearlong relationship between an artist or a collective practice, the museum and its participating communities, and supporting the production of artworks, performative or discursive creations. Every year, one artist or collective is invited to be M HKA’s Superhost.
Hanne Lippard is M HKA's first SUPERHOST. Her project 'Contact Mood Share' materialises through a display of artworks and a programme of events, which will vary under the specific scope of three planned seasons.
'Contact Mood Share' is a three-part programme focusing on language, especially the vocabulary and semiology that comes with particular social changes and developments. In a similar manner to how a word loses its meaning when repeated often enough, moving closer to sound, or sense, rather than significance, the same might be said for words that become popular due to current events. Once a word reappears with frequency through news media, political decisions, social media, and everyday speech, we tend to (often unknowingly) parrot its frequent appearance and in turn take it in our own mouths. Language has its own contagious nature, somewhat closer to a physical substance that moves between human touch and its surrounding surfaces, albeit through logic and larynx rather than fingerprints.
The exhibitions will feature a combination of existing works, adaptations of past projects and new productions by Lippard, forming the most generous articulation of works by the artist to date. The three displays take place in M HKA’s top floor galleries with extensions throughout further spaces of the museum traditionally dedicated to so-called hosting functions.
Artists: Hanne Lippard