Dries Van Laethem, Kasper De Vos, Leendert Van Accoleyen, Robert Soroko and Simon Masschelein, Vic Gentils

Annie Gentils Gallery

The Old In & Out & Up & Down

With sculptures and drawings by Dries Van Laethem, Kasper De Vos, Leendert Van Accoleyen, Robert Soroko and Simon Masschelein, circling around sculptures by Vic Gentils
Brought together by Hans Theys


Antwerp Art Pavillion, 12.10 - 04.11.18
Galerie D’Apostrof, Meigem (Deinze), 14.10 - 04.11.18
Annie Gentils Gallery, Antwerp, 21.10 - 02.12.2018

Opening at Antwerp Art Pavillion on October 12th from 18h to 22h
Opening at D’Apostrof on October 14th from 15h to 18h
Opening at Annie Gentils Gallery on October 21st from 14h to 18h

Photo: Vrints-Kolsteren

Artists: Dries Van Laethem, Kasper De Vos, Leendert Van Accoleyen, Robert Soroko and Simon Masschelein, Vic Gentils