During Tique Salon #12, Marc Nagtzaam and Hans Demeulenaere will talk about their collaboration. Since 2010, they worked together on several shows, individual works and publications. At the moment they are preparing a new publication on the occasion of a presentation at Emergent (Veurne).
Central to the research of Hans Demeulenaere (b. 1974) is the way we experience architectural objects and furniture within a sculptural reality. Sometimes, this way of experience is based on a ‘reflective’ processing of the objects, on the other hand on the change due to small additions or modifications. Since 2011 Hans Demeulenaere has produced several publications with such as MER. Paper Kunsthalle, Roma publications and posture editions. At the same other smaller publications are produced in collaboration with other artists or designers. Last year Hans Demeulenaere made a book at Frans Masereelcentrum during a residency. His book can be opened like a kind of harmonica as well as leafed through: one side with Demeulenaere’s own black-and-white images, and one in which his intellectual world unfolds for you in a concatenation of references.
Marc Nagtzaam (b. 1968) works mainly with drawing, text, artist books and occasionally sculpture. While Nagtzaam’s drawings are far from devoid of any sense of discovery, they are extremely programatic, composed of tight, deliberate gestures.
In 1998 Marc Nagtzaam and Roger Willems published Roma Publications number 1, entitled (SOME). Nagtzaam has been producing publications with Roma on a regular base ever since. At the moment he is working on 2 new books, ‘Regular Features’, which brings together text fragments collected and drawn between 1992 and 2018, and a book which collects fragments of drawings, sketches, installation views, Riso and laser prints; material Nagtzaam constantly re-arranges to make new drawings and installations.
All talks can be conducted in English.