The Mothership is very pleased to present the second part of a trilogy of exhibitions by artist duo V&S on identity, transformation and the end of humanity.

In the first part, V&S introduced a series of characters with well-defined personalities. Some of them will reappear in the installation 'U KOWALA', celebrating their rite of passage.

For this exhibition, V&S collaborated with Roman Hiele on a sound piece.

The artists will also present a new book of burnt artworks on the occasion of the exhibition.

We are open during the Antwerp Art Weekend (13.5-16.5).

Opening: Thursday 13/5, 12:00-21:00.
Exhibition: 14/5-30/5, from 12:00-18:00 on Saturdays and Sundays (and on Friday during the Antwerp Art Weekend), and by appointment.

Artists: V&S