Vincen Beeckman, Joost Joossen

World Photography Day at FOMU: Free visit & activities

The 19th of August is World Photography Day. To celebrate the event, admission to FOMU is free for the day and visitors can sign-up for a free workshop and guided tours.

No booking is required to visit the exhibitions, but we recommend that you book tickets for the free workshop and guided tours as places are limited.

•• Guided tours Vincen Beeckman ••

Vincen Beeckman is a photographer who connects people. His life is filled with encounters. He invests time in building good relationships with his subjects by being repeatedly present – even if not for long. During this tour, you will have the chance to get to know Beeckman and his work better and discuss his experiences and projects in connection with his current exhibition, Ping Pong.

For World Photography Day, Vincen Beeckman is giving three guided tours. Tours at 11 am, 2 pm and 4 pm.

→ The tours are free - but be sure to book in advance in order to avoid disappointment (limited places):

•• Workshop Smartphone Photography ••

For World Photography Day, photographer Joost Joossen is leading a workshop at FOMU. His book, One Photo a Day Keeps the Doctor Away, provides 160 photography challenges that require nothing more than a smartphone.

During the workshop you will learn how to take better pictures with your smartphone. But rather than concentrate on technically better photographs, Joossen teaches you how to focus and take more care when you photograph; how to look at something and observe consciously.

The workshop takes place from 11am to 12pm in FOMU’s studio.

→ Free but places are limited so booking in advance is recommended:

Artists: Vincen Beeckman, Joost Joossen