Marie-Sophie Beinke, Guy Rombouts, Fien Maris, Evelin Brosi, Mekhitar Garabedian, Laurence Petrone, Peter Fengler, Gerard Herman

Aan het woord [Spoken Word]

Performance series put together by Marie-Sophie Beinke at Coppejans Gallery in the frame of the exhibition: WOORD with Alain Arias-Misson and Marie-Sophie Beinke (28.08.21 — 25.09.21) at Coppejans Gallery, Falconplein 17-19, 2000 Antwerpen.

Sunday, 29 August 11:00 Marie-Sophie Beinke
Sunday, 29 August 15:00 Guy Rombouts
Fien Maris en Evelin Brosi
Sunday, 5 September 15:00 Mekhitar Garabedian
Laurence Petrone
Sunday, 19 September 15:00 Peter Fengler
Gerard Herman

Aan het woord [Spoken Word]

At the invitation of the Coppejans Gallery, artist Marie-Sophie Beinke (b. 1990, Munich) presents a series of performances with contributions by Gerard Herman, Peter Fengler, Mekhitar Garabedian, Fien Maris & Evelin Brosi, Laurence Petrone and Guy Rombouts. The programme is introduced by her own performance, Für Bernd Lohaus [For Bernd Lohaus], during which she will recite poetic writings by Lohaus, selected by Anny De Decker, Stella Lohaus and herself. Over the years, Bernd Lohaus (b. 1940, Düsseldorf) often read to the public from his own texts, as he did on several occasions in Galerie Zeno X for example, on Sundays at 11 a.m. sharp, as though it were a mass. But also: in the Frankfurter Kunstverein, the Van Abbemusem, Galerie Grita Insam in Vienna, Micheline Szwajcer Gallery, the literary café of Galerie Drieghe in Serskamp and LLS 387. Language and words play an important role in the practice of all the artists participating in Aan het woord. They are presenting performances, actions and readings on three Sundays at the end of August and the beginning of September. Beinke asked me to write something on the occasion of this programme because I knew Lohaus well. (She never met him herself; he died in 2010).

[...] (full text is on our website.)

Hans Theys, Montagne de Miel, 21 July 2021
Translation by Helen Simpson

Artists: Marie-Sophie Beinke, Guy Rombouts, Fien Maris, Evelin Brosi, Mekhitar Garabedian, Laurence Petrone, Peter Fengler, Gerard Herman