On the morning of 20 December this year, Evelin Brosi will take place at a table with her laptop at Out of Sight. Using a piece of homemade word processing software, she will register the ticking of the clock from 08:44 until 16:36. From sunrise to sunset she types down the beating of the clock, Tick Tock Tick Tock Tick Tock... With this simple confusion of what we expect from the written word – to describe time, not to register it – our sense of what is valid content, and what is time well spend is reframed.

We made possible for you to decide how you would like to follow the performance:
Come to Out of Sight
Pass by and look from the street, the sound will be on
Or LIVE from home LIVE

The performance is part of the ongoing exhibition "Lemmas" at Out of Sight. The exhibition will be open during the perfomance. "Lemmas" investigates how media can be seen as mental strategies through the work of Evelin Brosi & Elvis Bonier, Katrin Kamrau, Jianan Qu, Antoinette Zwirchmayr and Marthe Koning.

The exhibition "Lemmas", part of the project "Common ground", is generously supported by the Flemish Authorities / Flanders – State of the Art, the City of Antwerp, the Austrian Cultural Forum Brussels, dasKULTURforum Antwerpen and the Toneelacademie Maastricht.

Photo by Han Soete, Courtesy of the artist and Out of Sight


Also happening at 20 DECEMBER