Federico Tosi

Falling Asleep on a Plane

Federico Tosi presents a solo exhibition in the MORPHO Refectory, featuring a site-specific project that explores the transitional states of consciousness between wakefulness and sleep. The visual mantras that he generated using artificial intelligence served as models for new works. Federico made this exhibition in response to his residency in Antwerp, organized in close partnership with Almanac, London/Turin. Join us for the opening during the next Borger Nocturne!

Federico explains: “Sleeping is like hiding from enemies, protecting yourself from the outside world. Sleeping means organizing yourself to stay safe from the elements or to become invisible at a moment of maximum vulnerability. From the highest branches where the first hominids slept to modern glass skyscrapers, the need for protection during sleep has always been fundamental. We are surrounded by fears, and for each one, we must create a hiding place, physical or psychological. Without it, we cannot sleep. The exhibition is shaped by these concepts: danger and security, inside and outside, darkness and light. The proximity of these opposing states, constantly shifting away from and toward one another, generates welcoming images – perhaps even a feeling of unity.”

Federico Tosi (1988, Italy) is a visual artist who lives and works in Milan. His practice focuses mainly on sculpture and drawing, making extensive use of plastic materials, terracotta, resins, up to digital processors and robotic components. In his works he describes and dissects scenarios where matter is melted with visions and projections of our society in a sometimes poetic, sometimes ruthless future.

Opening night: Friday 25 October 2024, 6–11pm
Exhibition dates: 26 October–10 November 2024
Opening hours: Thu–Fri, 1–7pm & Sat–Sun, 11am–6pm
Location: MORPHO Refectory, entry through Kunsthal Extra City (Provinciestraat 112)
Partners: Almanac, supported by Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo

Artists: Federico Tosi

Also happening at Falling Asleep on a Plane