Guillaume Bijl. Multiples & editions

Curated by David Vermeiren & Johan Pas

This exhibition is the result of the research project 'MULTIPLE PRACTICES. The editions of Guillaume Bijl / part II', at the Royal Academy of Fine Arts Antwerp, and brings together for the first time all of Guillaume Bijl's multiples, posters and books.
Additionally, a book with a complete overview of the editions will be published.

Location: locations/Academy, entrance via parking Blindestraat

opening hours:
Fridays: 29 Jan / 5 and 12 Feb, 18:00 - 21:00
Weekends: 30 and 31 Jan / 6 and 7 Feb / 13 and 14 Feb 2021, 13:00-18:00

Also happening at Guillaume Bijl. Multiples & editions