Jonas Callaert

It all started with Dirty Dancing

Jonas Callaert conducts a painterly investigation of the margin of the painting
and the cutoff of the image. He views painting as a window into the world
world, with photography and collage as a reason to paint.
On the one hand, there is a great interest in the landscape and its own environment.
giving. On the other hand, he feels enormously attracted to the great tragic
figures from popular culture. This results in a wide range of con-
constructed images, repetitions of old paintings and overpaintings.
The painter alternates between abstract and figurative, always purposeful images
per image.

Two excerpts from the book 'Thinking about art. An introduction to the
art philosophy.' by VAN DEN BRAEMBUSSCHE are closely related to the
thinking of Jonas Callaert:
'The painter does not create ex nihilo, but becomes in his creative expression
determined by the visible world itself, by its own history
as a painter and the history of painting itself. This visually and
historical consciousness, however, condenses itself in its activity of the moment
and takes on the character of an 'eternal now', a 'provisional eternity'.
His activity takes place in a 'now', in which he condenses the past,
without being aware of it.”

'The margin, the white on the edge of the page, is extremely important
sides between the lines and the words. There is a brand value
ge paradox: That which is actually without meaning - as it says
nothing- gives meaning to what is there. In this respect make it
unsaid, the unthought, the forgotten and the excluded every text
to what he is.”

Jonas Callaert (°1988)
Lives and works in Aalst (BE)
Master Degree Fine Arts (Luca School of Art – Ghent)

Artists: Jonas Callaert

Also happening at It all started with Dirty Dancing