Jing He, Jewellery department Sint Lucas Antwerpen

Lecture Jing He & Exhibition Restor(y)ing the future

L E C T U R E  Jing He | 19/11

Jing He is invited by Sint Lucas Antwerpen to give a weeklong workshop at the jewellery department.
On Friday the 19th of November she will give a lecture about the aspects of restor(y)ing materials in her work.

Saskia Kolff-van Es will give a small introduction and after the lecture we would like to invite you for a drink with us and Jing at the reception.

The lecture starts at 17h - if you would like to join us, don't forget to register through www.sintlucasantwerpen.be/kalender/lecture-jing-he/

E X H I B I T I O N   Restor(y)ing the future | 19/11 - 21/11

It's common knowledge that our material use is becoming more and more problematic. Our approach towards resources urgently needs to be different and better, safer and more sustainable, more social and dignified.

Studio Jewellery of Sint Lucas Antwerpen neither panics nor ignores, but chooses radically and positively for RESTOR(Y)ING THE FUTURE as a new attitude and self-evidency in all its aspects of education, research and social engagement.

Artists: Jing He, Jewellery department Sint Lucas Antwerpen

Also happening at Lecture Jing He & Exhibition Restor(y)ing the future