Gallery FIFTY ONE presents the remarkable portrait series ‘Malkovich Malkovich Malkovich: Homage
to the Masters’, by the American photographer Sandro Miller (°1958) with the actor John Malkovich in
the leading role.
For this project, Miller went back to the iconic images that have always inspired and moved him in his
career as a photographer and recreated these memorable classics with his close friend and muse
John Malkovich as his model. Under Miller’s close direction, Malkovich masterly transformed himself
into a diverse set of characters, ranging from John Lennon to Marilyn Monroe and Picasso to
Dorothea Lange’s iconic ‘migrant mother’.
Next to Malkovich’s brilliant chameleon-like performance, the strength of this series lies in the amount
of effort that Miller put into fully understanding the image he wanted to recreate both on a technical
and emotional level. The actual shootings in 2014 and 2017 were preceded by 2 years of research to
ensure that every detail was correct. Even the sizes of the prints and the way they are framed
approaches the original as closely as possible, adding to the experience of viewing this series in real
life. The result is not a gimmick nor a parody, but a successful homage to the masters of photography
and a report of a brilliant collaboration between two contemporary artist that deserves its own spot in
photography history.
Artists: Sandro Miller