The STARTPOINT prize for European art graduates has been systematically mapping upcoming talents since 2003. At the Royal Academy's Lange Zaal it presents a selection of its 2018 winners and nominees.
The StartPoint Prize, dedicated to art academy graduates, has evolved during the sixteen years of its existence from a national show of graduation works to a prestigious international project, annually introducing the most outstanding talents of emerging artistic generations from European countries. The latest edition covers 28 prestigious academies in 14 countries and is the largest European overview of its kind. The works of all 28 finalists are published in the catalogue and on the project’s website The winner of the prize gets a complete production of his/her solo catalogue and together with other awarded artists a one month residency in Prague during the following year.
Exhibiting artists: Anastasia Afonina (GRA Amsterdam), David Bartoš (FAVU VUT Brno), Roza Duda / Michal Soja (ASP Krakow), Gilles Dusong (KASK Gent), Simona Gottierová (VŠVU Bratislava), Jonathan Hielkema (KABK Den Haag), Zagros Mehrkian (ÉSADTPM Toulon), Tamara Stoll (HGB Leipzig), Charline Tyberghein (KASK Antwerpen), Jur de Vries (HKU Utrecht)
Curators: Pavel Vančát and Radek Váňa