Amber Geuns


What the Bbbl delves into the profound contrast between two seemingly disparate entities: soap bubbles and figures clad in resplendent silver armor. Soap bubbles, historically emblematic of fragility and the transient nature of life in classical art, stand in stark opposition to the robust, unyielding presence of armored figures. However, upon closer examination, this juxtaposition reveals underlying similarities. Both elements, despite their apparent differences, mirror their environments in unique ways—the soap bubble, through its transparency, and the armor, through its reflective surface.

A notable and amusing contrast emerges from the overprotective nature of the armored figures, seemingly dressed for an epic battle against the delicate threat posed by soap bubbles. This exaggerated defense mechanism implies a deep-seated fear of the bubbles, as though they are perceived as formidable adversaries. This ironic portrayal invites viewers to question the true nature of vulnerability and power.
The exhibition further explores this dynamic interplay, where the power dynamics between the fragile bubbles and the ostensibly invincible armored figures shift and evolve. Depending on the piece, the bubbles transform from being objects of fear and targets of aggression to subjects of curiosity, allure, and even confusion. In some works, the bubbles are depicted as prey, pursued relentlessly by needles. In others, they are objects of admiration and veneration.
This fluctuation in portrayal highlights the multifaceted nature of the bubbles—sometimes a threat, sometimes an intriguing novelty, and sometimes a captivating beauty. The title, What the Bbbl encapsulates this bewildering and thought-provoking exploration, inviting viewers to reconsider their preconceived notions and embrace the complexity of these interactions.

Artists: Amber Geuns

Also happening at WHAT THE B*BBLE